Rules & Policies for Rental Groups
The Renting Organization agrees to abide by the rules and policies set forth below as part of the terms of their Rental Contract. The Contact Person agrees to communicate these rules and policies to the Renting Organization and the persons attending the event.
1. Spiritual Purpose
a. The Renting Organization agrees to respect the beliefs of Camp Longridge as set forth in the Statement of Belief and to do nothing by word or act that will in anyway detract from the testimony of this ministry.
b. The purpose of the event should be for the Biblical spiritual growth of each participant.
2. Supervision and Safety
a. The minimum adult to child/youth ratio is one adult per 10 youth/children. Supervising adults must be at least 18 years old. The supervising adults are responsible for the safety, care, and wellbeing of any and all youth/children in their group.
b. All guests must be accompanied by at least two other guests when walking away from the main camp area.
c. All water areas (lake) must be supervised by at least 2 adults while in use. All guests participating in water activities will do so at their own risk. Safety rules given must be observed at all times. Life jackets are required for all lake activities outside of designated swimming area.
d. No visitation is allowed at the opposite sex’s cabins.
3. Property Damage
a. Use all camp facilities and recreational equipment with care. Replacement of damaged or lost property will be paid for by the Renting Organization.
b. Examples: fine for unnecessarily discharging a fire extinguisher, fine for a broken window, etc.
4. Prohibitions
The following items and actions are not allowed on camp property:
a. Illegal Drugs
b. Alcohol
c. Fireworks
d. Tobacco/Smoking
e. No Pets/Animals
f. Playing loud music after 11pm
g. Anything else that Longridge management sees as being damaging and/or disruptive